Enabling progress through expertise

Attract - Secure - Retain

Industry Insights tailored to Managed Service Providers.


Inside the Report:
Hiring Process Optimisation Guide
Salary and Benefit Benchmarking
Talent Retention Guide

Managed Service Provider Insights Report: Attract, Secure, Retain

Attracting MSP Talent

Whilst skills shortages, company culture matching, willingness to work on-site, and meeting candidate salary expectations currently seem to be major challenges for the whole of the general IT and Technology sectors, Managed Service Providers are faced with additional challenges:

Benchmarking Salaries

Salaries vary and depend on many factors such as job title, seniority but also location. Salary is the second most important factor for candidates looking for a new position. Download the full report to see how you compare.

Benefit Benchmarking

When considering a career move, people naturally want to know what's in it for them. In the race for the best talent out there your benefit offering needs to be competitive. With a sheer endless list of possibilities and limited resources it's difficult to know what benefits to focus on. We've conducted a survey with over 4,000 industry specialists to see what matters most. Download our full report to benchmark your benefits.

Retaining Managed Service Provider Talent

Top Benefits in the UK


Company Technology


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